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North Elementary Title I School Parental Involvement Policy


North Elementary Title I School Parental Involvement Policy

At North Elementary School our desire is for all students to become successful, lifelong learners. In order for the achievement levels of students to increase, we must involve the school staff as well as the parents and families in the educational process of each student.

The Title I Parent Involvement Policy has been developed a part of the No Child left Behind Legislation of 2001. We hope this policy will clearly explain the plans North Elementary School has for informing parents of individual student progress along with school and Title I events.


In order to provide a strong partnership between home, family, school and the community, we will work together in the following ways:


Annual Public Meeting

We will host an Annual Meeting in the fall of each school year to inform parents about Title I program requirements and their right to be involved. We will use our school sign, monthly calendars, and Alert Now messages to attract parent interest and encourage participation.

Opportunities for Meetings

All parents are encouraged to have a least one parent conference during the year. Flexible times are offered before, during and after school hours to facilitate a variety of work schedules. Parents may also request a meeting(s) to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions related to the education of their children, and the school will respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.  In addition, the following opportunities may be scheduled:

•  Open House - Open House will be held before school opens for the new year to provide parents and students with the opportunity to meet teachers and visit classrooms.

•  Focus Night - During the first nine weeks of school, each grade level will host a night to present to parents the grade level curricula, Caswell County Promotion/Retention Standards and other academic information.

•  Informational Breakfast - Each grade level will host an Informational breakfast for parents during the first semester.

•  Report Card Conferences - Report card conferences will be held after the first and third report periods to share student progress and strategies for improvement, if needed, with parents.

•  PTSO Meetings – PTS0 meetings will be held in September, November/December, February, and April/May to provide a forum for Title I issues

Developing School-Parent Compacts that Indicate Shared Responsibilities for High Student Achievement and Academics

Parent/Student/Teacher Compacts will be developed and signed at the beginning of the school year where each stakeholder (parent, student, and teacher) indicates and accepts responsibility for the student’s learning and for making good educational choices.

Using Title I Funds to Provide Materials and Training to Help Parents Work with Their Children to Improve Student Achievement

•  Title I Annual Meeting and Open House at the Beginning of the School Year

•  A “Schedule of Parent Involvement Opportunities” Provided Throughout the Year

•  Book Fairs Held Twice a Year with Flexible Hours to Accommodate Parents’ Schedules

•  Literacy and Math/Science Sessions Conducted Throughout the Year Focused on Building Literacy and Math/Science Skills at Home

•  Providing Other Such Reasonable Support for Parental Involvement Activities as Requested by Parents.

Sharing Information Regarding the Curriculum and Academic Assessments

In order to build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement and to ensure effective involvement of parents to support this partnership, we will provide assistance to parents in understanding topics such as the following:

•  the State’s academic content standards;

•  the State’s student academic achievement standards;

•  the State and local academic assessments; and

•  how to monitor their child’s progress.