Parents are asked to exercise caution when children are entering and leaving the building and when other vehicles are moving through the car circle. Please adhere to the established traffic flow pattern. NO PARKING IS ALLOWED AT ANY TIME IN THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. The area in the front of the school must remain open at all times to allow for emergency vehicles, fire trucks, etc. access. This area must also remain open to allow for access to handicap parking spots. If you plan on entering the building at any time during school hours, you must park in a designated parking spot. There are parking spaces reserved for visitors only, however you may park in any open parking space in the parking lot. If parents wish to walk students to class, they should park in a designated parking spot and escort student into the school building. At 8:30 AM, all parents must report to the main office and follow the procedures for visitors. If special events are occurring at school, visitors may also park in the staff parking lot; however, visitors still have to use the front doors to enter the building.
Car Riders
Parents are asked to exercise caution when children are entering and leaving the building and when other vehicles are moving through the car circle. Please adhere to the established traffic flow pattern. Do not block the driveway/circle. If you plan on entering the building at any time during school hours please park in a designated parking spot. If special events are occurring at school, visitors may also park in the staff parking lot; however visitors still have to use the front doors to enter the building.
In the mornings, all car riders should be unloaded only from the side entrance. School personnel will be outside to assist with opening and closing of doors. If parents wish to walk students to the office, they should park in front of the school and escort students into the school building.
In the afternoons, parents will not be allowed to pick up students from the front of the building or from the main office. For safety reasons, all students who are car riders will be taken to the side entrance of the school. Parents are asked to remain in their cars, display their car rider information and allow school personnel to place students in vehicles.
Please notify the main office of any change of address or phone number. The school will provide student information sheets at the request of the parent/guardian. Please help us to maintain accurate records so that you can be reached in the event of an emergency.
All changes in the way students normally go home from school must be received in writing—either by a signed parent note or by fax—and approved by the principal. Changes in transportation will not be accepted over the telephone. All faxed requests must be received by 2:00 PM. If a written note or fax is not received and approved, the student will be transported home using normal transportation procedures. A phone call will only be approved by the principal in emergency situations..
If there is no court order or separation agreement concerning the custody of a child, either parent or legal guardian has the same right to see the child at school or have the child released to him/her at the end of the school day. The school must have legal documentation of this information. When we have been presented custody papers or restraining orders, we will exercise reasonable precaution in protecting the rights of a parent as assigned by the courts.